Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Infertility - Ayurvedic and Natural Remedies

What is Infertility ?
Infertility refers to inability to produce child. Period. Lot said and published around this one liner is not a concern for the people who are always suffering from it.
Technically it is a biological inability for a man to contribute to a child's birth while for a woman it is the inability to carry a full term pregnancy.

Types of Infertility
Infertility is of two types. In 'Primary' type, couples are never able to conceive. In 'Secondary' type, couple has successfully conceived and carried pregnancy (full time or miscarriage) but not able to conceive second time.

Causes of Infertility 
Few of the causes are listed below. If you fall in under any of the point listed below, avoid that cause.
  1. Age is the prime reason for a woman for infertility. As we grow after a certain age, it is hard to get pregnant. 
  2. The most widely stated reason for infertility is eating overly spicy food or junk food. Like spicy pizza etc.
  3. Smoking and alcohol both add up to the infertility. 
  4. Stressful life is the common cause of most of the problem. In case of infertility, stressful mind stops providing blood properly to reproductive organs which leads to malfunctioning of the same.
  5. Obesity is the second most talked about reason for infertility after spicy food. 
There are a lots of other reasons as well but they are more technically related to anatomy and body system functionality ,thus, are beyond the scope of this article.

Few practices in our daily lifestyle are recommended. Please follow the below mentioned practices for better results.
  1. Balance your menstrual cycle. Break your menstrual cycle into three parts. Before menstruation, the yoga activity should be more than normal. During menstrual cycle, relaxation and warmth are advised. After menstrual cycle, eat healthy food and nourishing soups.
  2. Take extra care of your reproductive organs. Massage your abdomen with gentle warm oil in clockwise direction. After that always take warm bath or shower.
  3. Quality food should be taken, specially what enhances fertility. This includes pomegranates, pumpkin, almond, seed, seaweed, grapes. 
  4. Clean your stomach by eating light food, seasoned vegetables, soups and sweet fruit. Practice this several months before trying to conceive.
  5. Establish regular time for sleeping,rising, food and meditation.
  6. Follow yoga techniques to reduce stress and enhance fertility. Discussed at the end.
Herbs for infertility
Herbal solution for this disease includes the following.
  1. Root of Bala herb boiled in milk and oil used with gentle worm water. It is used in form of oil with milk.
  2. Mix Shatavari powder with milk or ghee and take it before going to bed. This is one of the most prescribed herbs.
  3. Powder of Banyan tree root taken with milk every night after menstrual cycle is over has shown very positive results.
  4. Jamun leaves taken with honey has also shown positive result in many of the cases.
Yoga for infertility
Yoga postures bring the body in proper shape and make all the internal organs function well.
If you can spend one hour, Click here to see what yoga guru Ramdev has to say. 
Few other yoga techniques are shown in the following two videos

Best Wishes.

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