Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Infertility - Ayurvedic and Natural Remedies

What is Infertility ?
Infertility refers to inability to produce child. Period. Lot said and published around this one liner is not a concern for the people who are always suffering from it.
Technically it is a biological inability for a man to contribute to a child's birth while for a woman it is the inability to carry a full term pregnancy.

Types of Infertility
Infertility is of two types. In 'Primary' type, couples are never able to conceive. In 'Secondary' type, couple has successfully conceived and carried pregnancy (full time or miscarriage) but not able to conceive second time.

Causes of Infertility 
Few of the causes are listed below. If you fall in under any of the point listed below, avoid that cause.
  1. Age is the prime reason for a woman for infertility. As we grow after a certain age, it is hard to get pregnant. 
  2. The most widely stated reason for infertility is eating overly spicy food or junk food. Like spicy pizza etc.
  3. Smoking and alcohol both add up to the infertility. 
  4. Stressful life is the common cause of most of the problem. In case of infertility, stressful mind stops providing blood properly to reproductive organs which leads to malfunctioning of the same.
  5. Obesity is the second most talked about reason for infertility after spicy food. 
There are a lots of other reasons as well but they are more technically related to anatomy and body system functionality ,thus, are beyond the scope of this article.

Few practices in our daily lifestyle are recommended. Please follow the below mentioned practices for better results.
  1. Balance your menstrual cycle. Break your menstrual cycle into three parts. Before menstruation, the yoga activity should be more than normal. During menstrual cycle, relaxation and warmth are advised. After menstrual cycle, eat healthy food and nourishing soups.
  2. Take extra care of your reproductive organs. Massage your abdomen with gentle warm oil in clockwise direction. After that always take warm bath or shower.
  3. Quality food should be taken, specially what enhances fertility. This includes pomegranates, pumpkin, almond, seed, seaweed, grapes. 
  4. Clean your stomach by eating light food, seasoned vegetables, soups and sweet fruit. Practice this several months before trying to conceive.
  5. Establish regular time for sleeping,rising, food and meditation.
  6. Follow yoga techniques to reduce stress and enhance fertility. Discussed at the end.
Herbs for infertility
Herbal solution for this disease includes the following.
  1. Root of Bala herb boiled in milk and oil used with gentle worm water. It is used in form of oil with milk.
  2. Mix Shatavari powder with milk or ghee and take it before going to bed. This is one of the most prescribed herbs.
  3. Powder of Banyan tree root taken with milk every night after menstrual cycle is over has shown very positive results.
  4. Jamun leaves taken with honey has also shown positive result in many of the cases.
Yoga for infertility
Yoga postures bring the body in proper shape and make all the internal organs function well.
If you can spend one hour, Click here to see what yoga guru Ramdev has to say. 
Few other yoga techniques are shown in the following two videos

Best Wishes.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Natural Treatment of Fatigue

Fatigue is often addressed as 'Tiredness', but it is not. Fatigue is often considered as a disease, but it is not. It definitely is a result of imbalance. What kind of imbalance is depends upon what kind of fatigue do you suffer from.

It is a very wide topic to talk or even debate upon. However with a majority of people it is the same. First we will look at it's symptoms, then we will go through the causes which can be avoided to avoid fatigue, then some ayurvedic and home remedies for fatigue. Finally we will look for yoga techniques to fight fatigue.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Fibromyalgia)
It is a chronic condition related to non inflammatory pain in muscles along with ligaments and joints like knees. The person feels regular fatigue and has short term memory loss and concentration problems.

Symptoms of Fatigue:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Tiredness.
  • Ache or stiffness in joints/muscles.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Numbness.

Causes of Fatigue:
  • Less stress and high energy is referred as 'Calm Energy'. It brings confidence, optimistic approach towards life and positive attitude. Fatigue is the absence of calm energy. Main cause of this is living a lifestyle which doesn't suit your nature. Like lack of job satisfaction or doing something which is against the principles of your own.
  • No Physical exercise or over exercising are the two most common reasons for fatigue that have been researched till date.
  • Fatigue is the result of imbalance of any of three 'Doshas'of body. Imbalance of 'Vata' brings mental fatigue. Emotional fatigue is the result of the imbalance of 'Pitta Dosha' while Physical fatigue is caused by the imbalance of 'Kapha Dosha'.
  • 'Ama' or impurities is the root cause of the above three types of fatigue. Ama occurs in junk food, Chemicals and processed food.
  • Iron deficiency is another main cause that contributes to fatigue.
The above mentioned causes are those which have been identified. Still, the exact cause of fatigue is unknown. But fortunately, Ayurveda has prescribed some ways of living and herbal medication which if practiced, will definitely remove fatigue out of your system. Lets have a look.

  1. Drink a lot of water. Water is life and it will energize all the body parts. Have fruits full of water.
  2. Decide a time to sleep and get up. In case you find it difficult to sleep of get up at regular times, Please go through my article on How to sleep well .
  3. Take regular massage. Massage brings toxic elements out of the body.
  4. Most important thing. Do what you want. Don't do what you don't want to. This will produce instant result and energy will flow inside out.
  5. Cumin, coriander, turmeric, garlic are the spices which should regularly be taken in food. In long term these spices produce great result.
Ayurvedic herbs for fatigue:

Ayurvedic herbs that will rejuvenate the body and make you full of energy. Listing of some of the useful herbs is as follows:

  1. 10-10 ml of Dashmularishtam should be taken twice a day.
  2. To avoid constipation, Triphala powder is recommended with warm water before going to bed.
  3. Half teaspoon of turmeric powder with little warm water twice a day will cure chronic fatigue.
  4. Garlic is very useful for digestive system and pain relief.
  5. Ashwagandha is the most recommended herb for fatigue.

Yoga for fatigue:

secures the first place while talking about the yoga techniques to fight fatigue. It spreads the energy in every part of the body.
When yoga exercises are combined with breathing and meditation, the results are full of pleasant surprises. For energy, power yoga can also be practiced.

Following two videos illustrate how to do it.

 Best Wishes

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cardiovascular Disease and Ayurveda

A word of Caution:
 This article describes the ayurvedic methods for the treatment of heart disease. If you are already taking allopathic medication, consult your allopathic physician before going on with the ayurvedic medications.

What is cardiovascular disease:
               The general term for cardiovascular disease is 'Heart Disease'. Technically it is the disease which affects Cardiovascular System
 Leading causes of heart diseases are following:
  1. Cigarette smoking: smoking kills. In case of heart patients, it definitely will. Smoking increases the heart beats and blood pressure. Amount of adrenaline in body also gets high while you are smoking.
  2. Cholesterol: It accumulates on the inner wall of blood vessels. Thus, the pressure of blood increases in blood vessels. High blood pressure in turn will enhance the work load of heart.
  3. Diet: Unhealthy diet(Fast Food for example) leads to obesity. Obesity leads to cholesterol formation and then to high blood pressure.
  4. Sedentary Living: Not exercising at a regular interval will make the internal organs less effective in terms of their work.
  5. Stress: Stress is directly related to blood pressure. Nobody can control it. It's body's natural system which increases the level of certain chemicals in body in case of stress. These chemicals directly contribute to high blood pressure. 
  6. Gender: Men are more likely to have a cardiovascular disease. I still think whether to include it in 'causes of cardiovascular disease' or not. But still, it is a factor. 
  7. Age: As 'Gender', 'Age' is also a factor which is out of control. But yes, aged persons are more prone to heart diseases.
The Ayurvedic point of view:
 Ayurveda addresses a person as a whole(Body, mind and spirit). In case of heart diseases, first of all the 'Dosha' of the person is determined and then the rest of the diagnosis takes in place. 
 Ayurveda considers heart and mind inter linked. It believes that if one is not functioning well, other will also suffer. Therefore, in Ayurveda, it is highly recommended that we avoid anxiety, stress,  worry and excessive sexual activities. 
 First we will look at some herbal solutions. Later we will discuss the lifestyle suggestions.

Herbal Remedies for cardiovascular diseases:  
  • Amalaki is a fruit which is believed to have the anti bacterial properties. It lowers the cholesterol level in blood.
  • Arjuna is the most used herb in the ayurvedic medicines of heart diseases. The bark of Arjuna is taken in powder form and it lowers the cholesterol level in arteries.
  • Coriander has diuretic properties. It helps kidneys work well and flush out unwanted substances(like cholesterol) out of the system.
  • Garlic is easily available to everyone. It is one of the miracle herbs of nature. Eating two-three cloves of garlic can vanish the cholesterol from arteries.
  • Guggulu 25 mg of guggulesterons is prescribed thrice a day for cholesterol patients. It is a proven herbal medicine in heart diseases.
  • Holy Basil(Tulsi) Just like garlic, Tulsi also has the properties to dissolve the blood cholesterol and let it out through kidneys. 
  • Ashwagandha is a stress reliever herb which helps body and mind in relaxing so that blood pressure remains in control.
Lifestyle suggestions for heart patients:
  • Eat a healthy diet. Include in your diet, spices like turmeric, garlic, ginger and saffron. Also include whole grains, pulses and high fatty acid food.
  • Don't eat many a time a day. Have it only three times. Take light breakfast and dinner while have lunch as the main meal of the day. Avoid milk products and non veg.
  • Cow milk and cow milk product are light and healthy. Have regular cow milk and ghee in your diet.
  • Practice light aerobic exercises. This will increase oxygen supply to the heart. 
  • It is highly recommended for a healthy heart that your digestion is good. Have light food and avoid constipation.
Yoga for healthy heart:
 Some asanas useful in building up a healthy heart are 
  1. Ardhamatsyendrasana
  2. Vajrasana
  3. Shalabhasana
  4. Padmasana
 All the above four are visually depicted in videos below:





Thursday, December 2, 2010

Natural Migraine Treatment

What is Migraine ?

Migraine is one of the results of stressful modern lifestyle. 
By definition, Migraine is a neurological disease which causes severe headache in only one half of the head. The sharp pain is recurring and often comes with nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances.
What happens exactly ?

Hormonal fluctuation in the blood vessels around head is the main cause of migraine. It has two phases. In first phase, the vessels contraction happens and leads to spots in front of eyes. This phase is called 'Migraine Aura'. 
In second phase, the vessels start to dilate and with the over reaction of hormones, the severe headache starts.

The herbal solution 

The widely used ayurvedic remedy for migraine is following
                        - Shatavari(Indian Asparagus) 5 Parts.
                        - Brahmi(Bacopa Monniery) 4 parts
                        - Jatamamsi(Muskroot) 3 parts
                        - Musta(Cyperus Rotundus) 3 parts

Mix these four herbs well in powder form and take 1/2 teaspoon after breakfast and dinner with little warm water.

In long term, Chyawanprash, Brahmi and Ashwagandha heal.

Panchakarma Solution 

Panchakarma cleans the whole body and mind. It is a few days(usually 5) process and taken in place in proper guidance at an ayurvedic hospital. Describing punchakarma is beyond the scope of this article. Still, it has provided great relief to migraine patients. Visit ayurvedic hospital/doctor nearby you and you will get all the other required information about panchakarma.  

Herbal Tea
Make tea of half teaspoon of each Ashwagandha and Brahmi in a cup of water
and drink 2-3 times a day.
Ginger Tea is another solution that has helped many.

Yoga : Sheetli Pranayam(Cooling Breath) 

Specially recommended for migraine patients, sheetli pranayam is done by making a tube of your tongue. Inhale through the tube and exhale through the nose. 
Video shows 'how to' in more detail

Best Wishes.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucorrhoea

First of all - Leukorrhea/Leucorrhoea is not a disease. Leukorrhea is a medical terms denoting white/yellowish discharge from vagina. Usual cause of this is estrogen imbalance. 

However, usually it's not considered as a disease. Like in pregnancy, white discharge from vagina is normal. Amount of discharge increases as pregnancy progresses. This is because of the estrogen development during pregnancy.

What if someone is not pregnant and still having it ? Well the answer lies in the kind of leukorrhea you have. If the vaginal discharge is yellow or green or reddish, If discharge smells bad, If discharge is consistent for a long time or if discharge is heavy then don't read this article or any other article anymore. Visit the doctor.

However, If it is normal , white and doesn't happen excessively. Then it can be cured by some herbal ayurvedic remedies and yoga.

So, Ayurveda ?

Yes for sure. As Ayurveda is free of any side effect and it is natural, I have always kept it at first place. Imbalance of any of the three natural elements of body(Vata, Pitta, Kapha) is the root cause of any health problem. Leukorrhea is a result of dominance of Kapha element. Anemic or weak women are more prone to it.

Follow these points:
  • Balanced diet, Proper sleep and being close to the nature are essentials for any natural treatment to work good.
  • Chew beetle nut after main meal of day and night. 
  • Make thin paste of Amarnath leaves in a cup of water. Filter it and drink it twice a day.
  • Early morning drink water, overnight socked with coriander seeds.
  • Constipation helps in Leukorrhea in deepening it's roots. Take 2 tea spoons of Triphala Powder before going to bed.
  • 2 grams of amalaki powder with sugar has given best results in Leukorrhea.
  • Eat rich diets like milk, banana and Ghee. Drink a lot of water.
  • Avoid non veg diets, sour items like pickle, lemon. 
  • Wash vagina with neem water.
Leukorrhea in young girl 
         Can happen in young girls just before puberty. It vanishes naturally in young girls.

To be noted: 
  • Its more on mental side. Keep yourself high and be positive.
  • Its a natural process. No need to worry. 
  • If other symptoms show with it, don't take it lightly. Consult a doctor.

Yoga heals

It's right. Yoga makes the body itself strong enough. In particular case of Leukorrhea, Sarvangasan, Vajrasan and Pranayam are the key.

1. Sarvangasana: 

 2. Vajrasana

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The secret of sound sleep

First thing first. There is no measure of sleep for anybody. It varies from person to person. For instance I may need a 6 hours sleep while you may need 9 hours sleep a day.

Secondly, the quality of sleep. Good quality sleep of 6 hours is enough. By standards, an adult needs 6-8 hours sleep in night.

Most of us today usually pass most of the time of our night in tossing and turning in bed. Everyone knows that this is because mind and/or body is not relaxed enough to fall asleep. This is all subconscious so you can not force yourself to fall asleep. 

The effort to find the cause for this restlessness will take us into the oceans of information on remedies, dietary treatments and tips for getting sound sleep. None seem to be working sometime.

Why Ayurveda or Yoga?

Ayurveda doesn't try to make you asleep for one night, like a sleeping pill does. Rather, it will find the root cause and remove it, rest will be done by the body system.  Root cause of every disease is imbalance of any of the three natural elements of body i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Insomnia is the imbalance of Vata.Medication is not recommended for insomnia as in most cases it is a result of unbalanced routine, heavy smoking and other demands of modern life. Still if insomnia lasts long, few home remedies should be considered:

  • Celery(Ajmud) juice with little honey before going to bed. 
  • Cumin seeds(Jeera) powder mixed with ripe banana can be eaten before going to bed.
  • Well known Dhara therapy in ayurveda is capable to cure even chronic insomnia.
Small things that can help big
  1. Maintain a routine of going to bed and rising early at the same time daily. This is sufficient in most of the insomnia cases. Nothing else is needed. First two/three days it will be difficult to rise early as you would have fallen asleep late. Still if you maintain rising and falling at same time daily, pleasant results can be surely expected.
  2. Morning exercise (avoid evening) is the second most efficient way of having sound sleep in night. 
  3. Have a difference of at least two hours between dinner and sleep.
Shakti Mudra:

Mudra can produce results instantly. The results that can be seen or felt. I wont write how to do it, the image below is showing  it. All you need to do is to focus on breathing and exhaling should be slower than inhaling.


Uttangasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana are good for people suffering form restlessness.  Several poses including these three can be done in succession to have a sound sleep in night. Watch this video:


Best wishes

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dry Skin - Ayurvedic and Natural Treatment

Dry means 'lack of moisture'. Over the time body loses it's moisture. Apart from aging, factors like weather, heredity, diet etc. also affects skin's moisture level.

First step towards acquiring a glowing skin is drinking a lot of water. Water is life and gives the skin enough moisture. 

After that comes our diet, in our daily diet we should mix some fat. Fat will bring moisture in body. However, for avoiding extra fat, the regular exercise and pranayam is recomended.

Prevention :
  1. Regular body oil massage.
  2. Be away from fried/stale food. Have fresh diet.
  3. Drink lots of water (Around 7-8 glasses in a day).
  4. Sufficient and sound sleep.
Useful herbs:
  1. Aloe vera extract is the most affective in curing dry skin problem. 
  2. Cucumber has water as its main component. We should include water rich vegetables in diet .
  3. Spices like turmeric , if taken regularly in food, will never let you have dry skin problem.
Ayurvedic Treatment:
  • Lemon tea in morning balances the three natural elements in body. Imbalance of these three elements is the root cause of every disease. If these three elements are in balance, body has this ability to heal itself.
  • In winter days, massage of warm mustard oil over the body parts sitting in sunlight gives us instant results.
  •   "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Apple has its own moisturizing abilities. Result starts showing on face within a month time.

Yoga Mudra(Finger combination):
Yoga shows its result by the time but 'Mudra' shows instant result. It is believed that dry skin is a result of 'lack of water' in body. Hence Varun Mudra , which brings water balance in body, is suggested. 
Mudra does not require any special posture or Asan. It can be done standing, or sitting comfortable in any position. 
Varun mudra is combining the tips of thumb and little finger. Rest three fingers should be straight. 3-4 minutes from both hands is sufficient. The image below shows how to do Varun Mudra.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kapalbhati Pranayama to reduce belly fat

Kapalbhati means 'purifying your mind'. However this YOGA is not limited to mind only but to body as well. 

Lot has been spend and researched on a common problem - Obesity. A effortless solution with no expense resides in pranayama. Specially Kapalbhati.

First I will discuss the benefits of Kapalbhati pranayama, then will tell you how to do it. At last we will see the video depicting it.

Key benefits of kapalbhati are: 
  • It throws the toxic elements out of lungs.
  • By forceful inhaling and exhaling, it purifies blood. Spreads oxygen in blood; every part of the body.
  • Helps in getting toned abdominal muscle. A flat belly.
  • Helps in loosing weight.
  • Cures diseases of almost every part of body.

How to do :
  • Sit in comfortable position. Cross legged, on a thin cushion or mat. 
  • Rest your hands comfortably on your knees.
  • Get your breath in control. Let it be spontaneous and rhythmic.
  • Now take a deep breath and exhale with both nostrils as forcefully as you can. The abdominal muscles should contract inner side towards spinal cord.
  • After exhaling, let the air come through both nostrils spontaneously. This time, no force should be applied.  The abdominal muscles will come out by lungs filling with fresh air and diaphragm expends.
  •  Go on with above two steps of exhaling and inhaling 15 times. This will be one set of kapalbhati. You can do 3 such sets initially with little break between each set. 
Deep inhaling and forceful exhaling is the key. Few things need to be taken care of while doing Kapalbhati:
  • Kapalbhati is not for heart and blood pressure patients. Women should take care during periods and pregnancy while doing such exercises.
  • Inhaling should not be an effort while doing kapalbhati.
  • One should not expect immediate result. Pranayama is a practice, not a muscle toning machine. Body will take its own time to get balanced.
  • Initially it should not be done more than 2-3 minutes. After a month time, the duration can be extended.
  • The back, hips and neck should be in one straight line while doing kapalbhati. 
  • In summer, the duration not be long as this is a warm exercise. 
Following two videos will show kapalbhati visually 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ayurvedic Baby Oil Massage

Why oil Massage ?
Few benefits it will bring to the child's health which no parent can avoid
  1. Ensures proper blood circulation.
  2. Builds muscles strength.
  3. Help building sense and nervous system.
    The three DOSHAs we need to know
  • Vata: The symbol of air is one of the three natural elements of body. If it is unbalanced, then it may affect digestive system badly.
  • Pitta: The symbol of fire which deals with nutrition and metabolism. Imbalance of which can result into anger and stress.
  • Kapha: The mix of earth and water is 'Kapha'. It provides strength and resistance which can be felt lacking if 'Kapha' is unbalance.
All the above mention three 'Doshas'(Disorders) can be easily avoided in child if proper body massage with all precautions is practiced. Which further will guarantee health and wellness.

Why Ayurveda ?
Ayurveda works on body to be strong, not to the disease to be cured. Simple principle it follows is : "Keep your body elements in proper condition, the body will take care of itself".
For a baby, it is the right time to work on body and make strong enough for the disease to get over it .

When to start ?
From the seventh day of baby's birth, the massaging should go on for three weeks. Massaging should be done everyday.

Which oil to be used ?
Almond oil is considered best for baby massage. Though, mustard oil and other Ayurvedic  oils have also been proven good.

How to massage ?
  1. Take a soft wheat dough ball.
  2. Dip it into oil and massage by rolling it over the body of the child gentally(For babies over one month, hands can be used for massaging instead of dough balls).
  3.  While massaging the back, support the baby on the other arm of yours.
  4. Massage should emphasized on the parts which need to gain strength. This included spine, backbone, neck, wrists, hands and feet.

But wait, you must know that 
  1.  Massage should not be given immediately after food, there should be a decent difference.
  2. Medium pressure can only be applied after 30 days of birth. Before that massage should be gentle.
  3. Passive exercise to the hands and feet should be given while massaging.
  4. Infants joints are not strong, take care in holding the baby
For mothers and parents, the love and affection shown during the massage will remain in child's sub conscious mind for the life time. Show your love to your baby and enjoy the lifelong good relation.

Best wishes.