Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cardiovascular Disease and Ayurveda

A word of Caution:
 This article describes the ayurvedic methods for the treatment of heart disease. If you are already taking allopathic medication, consult your allopathic physician before going on with the ayurvedic medications.

What is cardiovascular disease:
               The general term for cardiovascular disease is 'Heart Disease'. Technically it is the disease which affects Cardiovascular System
 Leading causes of heart diseases are following:
  1. Cigarette smoking: smoking kills. In case of heart patients, it definitely will. Smoking increases the heart beats and blood pressure. Amount of adrenaline in body also gets high while you are smoking.
  2. Cholesterol: It accumulates on the inner wall of blood vessels. Thus, the pressure of blood increases in blood vessels. High blood pressure in turn will enhance the work load of heart.
  3. Diet: Unhealthy diet(Fast Food for example) leads to obesity. Obesity leads to cholesterol formation and then to high blood pressure.
  4. Sedentary Living: Not exercising at a regular interval will make the internal organs less effective in terms of their work.
  5. Stress: Stress is directly related to blood pressure. Nobody can control it. It's body's natural system which increases the level of certain chemicals in body in case of stress. These chemicals directly contribute to high blood pressure. 
  6. Gender: Men are more likely to have a cardiovascular disease. I still think whether to include it in 'causes of cardiovascular disease' or not. But still, it is a factor. 
  7. Age: As 'Gender', 'Age' is also a factor which is out of control. But yes, aged persons are more prone to heart diseases.
The Ayurvedic point of view:
 Ayurveda addresses a person as a whole(Body, mind and spirit). In case of heart diseases, first of all the 'Dosha' of the person is determined and then the rest of the diagnosis takes in place. 
 Ayurveda considers heart and mind inter linked. It believes that if one is not functioning well, other will also suffer. Therefore, in Ayurveda, it is highly recommended that we avoid anxiety, stress,  worry and excessive sexual activities. 
 First we will look at some herbal solutions. Later we will discuss the lifestyle suggestions.

Herbal Remedies for cardiovascular diseases:  
  • Amalaki is a fruit which is believed to have the anti bacterial properties. It lowers the cholesterol level in blood.
  • Arjuna is the most used herb in the ayurvedic medicines of heart diseases. The bark of Arjuna is taken in powder form and it lowers the cholesterol level in arteries.
  • Coriander has diuretic properties. It helps kidneys work well and flush out unwanted substances(like cholesterol) out of the system.
  • Garlic is easily available to everyone. It is one of the miracle herbs of nature. Eating two-three cloves of garlic can vanish the cholesterol from arteries.
  • Guggulu 25 mg of guggulesterons is prescribed thrice a day for cholesterol patients. It is a proven herbal medicine in heart diseases.
  • Holy Basil(Tulsi) Just like garlic, Tulsi also has the properties to dissolve the blood cholesterol and let it out through kidneys. 
  • Ashwagandha is a stress reliever herb which helps body and mind in relaxing so that blood pressure remains in control.
Lifestyle suggestions for heart patients:
  • Eat a healthy diet. Include in your diet, spices like turmeric, garlic, ginger and saffron. Also include whole grains, pulses and high fatty acid food.
  • Don't eat many a time a day. Have it only three times. Take light breakfast and dinner while have lunch as the main meal of the day. Avoid milk products and non veg.
  • Cow milk and cow milk product are light and healthy. Have regular cow milk and ghee in your diet.
  • Practice light aerobic exercises. This will increase oxygen supply to the heart. 
  • It is highly recommended for a healthy heart that your digestion is good. Have light food and avoid constipation.
Yoga for healthy heart:
 Some asanas useful in building up a healthy heart are 
  1. Ardhamatsyendrasana
  2. Vajrasana
  3. Shalabhasana
  4. Padmasana
 All the above four are visually depicted in videos below:





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